Saturday was $2 tank top sale at Old Navy, unfortunately we got a late start. When we arrived around 10 am there was about 50 people in line and 100 or more people shopping. To say the least we turned around and left.
The girls and I walked down to Barnes and Noble to read books and hang out. It happened to be story time, sponsored by the local transit system. The book being read was Lorax, by Dr. Seuss. I had forgotten just how long the book was. After the story, there was free items from the transit company and a free trolley ride. We walked over to the trolley and it was a trolley that had the Lorax themed wrapped around the entire car. The trolley was only operating for our story group. There were a total of 12 people, plus staff. The trolley didn't make and stops until we reached our destination, about 20 minutes, then turned around and went back. The girls thought this was really cool.
Later in the afternoon, my aunt and uncle came over for some "adult" time and a chance to see the girls. I remember hanging out with them` when my cousins were my girls age and now they are almost 21 and 17. They brought over dinner and some adult beverages. I loved catching up with them. I hope to see them a couple more times before we leave.
Each weekend there are people who come and go in the RV Park. Today we got new neighbors, they have been traveling for 2 weeks, from Connecticut. The amazing thing is there are 7 of them, 2 adults and 5 children. All my guess all school age up to high school. They are all homeschooled and super polite and very sociable. They only stay in places 2 to 3 days at a time, them pack up to the next place. What an amazing way to see the country!!!
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