Sunday morning we took Cousin to Balboa Park for a wonderful walk through the park. We took the free trolley around the park, which had amazing information giving by the driver, so Cousin could fill her memory banks.
After Balboa Park, it was off to a Father's Day lunch for my Grandpa, aka Great-Grandpa to my kids and my dad and of course the rest of the family. There were 13 people in total. I love when the family gets together!!
Sunday ended with a swim for the girls and a good night sleep for all.
Monday we had to take Cousin to the train station in the morning. :( The girls and I had an amazing visit and wished it could have been longer!!! I am sure she wishes it could have been also.
After the train station, he headed to the zoo with my aunt. We spend most of the day enjoying the animals. It is always fun to see animals we miss.
Monday night I had enjoyed a night out with a girlfriend, while my dad was able to watch the grandkids. It just so happened to be the camp potluck, "Breakfast for Dinner". So, I made sausage and cut up watermelon, for the girls and papa to bring. There were games and lots of entertainment. My girls were the only kids among the older, more wiser group of people, so they were a hit. At the end of the potluck the clubhouse host said she would be hiding 12 specially labelled pink plastic flamingos in the RV park area. They were be brought back to the next potluck on Monday, for a special prize.
Tuesday we were supposed to go to San Diego County Fair aka Del Mar Fair, kids get in free, however, my aunt was to go with us, but needed to help my grandparents with doctor appointments. So, the plan is to go next week.
In place of going to the fair, we rode our bikes all around the RV park for about 45 minutes looking for flamingos and look what we found.....
The rest of Tuesday and all of Wednesday we didn't leave the RV. We walked to the playgrounds and used the swimming pool.